Jerry Junck grew up in Carroll, Nebraska. When he started his senior year at Wayne High School in the fall of 1965, he started square dance lessons. During that winter, he began doing some singing calls with help from Dave Chambers, his club's caller, and his high school English teacher. The next summer, Dave worked with Jerry on learning to call patter. A year later, Jerry began college at Wayne State College, and took over the club caller duties for the Belles and Beaus of Winside and Carroll, and the Promenaders of Norfolk. During college, Jerry called several times a week within a 150-mile radius of Carroll. A few years later, Jerry was asked to start teaching lessons in Laurel, Nebraska. The Town Twirlers was formed from that class.
In June 1970, Jerry graduated from Wayne State College with a degree in accounting and began working for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, a CPA firm in Lincoln. That November, Jerry was drafted in the Army, took basic training in Fort Lewis, Washington and was stationed in Colorado Springs, Colorado. While there, Jerry called for the Single Swingers. Jerry was discharged from the Army in 1972 and returned home to Carroll, started farming, and resumed calling for Laurel. He also became the club caller for Elgin and Yankton and joined Larry Edwards and Dennis Kelley for the "Dam Campout" square dance weekend. In 1974, Jerry helped start the Single Wheelers of Norfolk, and the Leather and Lace of Wayne. The only time he has not called regularly since 1966 is the eight weeks he was in basic training.
Jerry and Sharon met in the mid 1970's and were married on June 3, 1977. Sharon did not square dance when they met, and she took lessons from Bob Johnson. They have been married 41 years.
Jerry began his recording career in May 1985 with his first record for Chinook Records, "The Bluebird." He has since recorded for Hoedowner, Riverboat and Crown Records and has recorded 24 singing calls in all including such popular songs as "Fire On The Mountain", "Waking Up To Sunshine", "Timber" and "Fiddle On The Wall."
In January 1986 Jerry made the decision to quit farming and begin calling full-time. Over the years, Jerry has called in 46 states and three provinces in Canada. He has appeared in television and radio interviews about square dancing and has been a part of a television show produced in Nashville. He has called at 27 National Conventions. He has called for many state and local festivals and conventions around the country including The Golden State Roundup in San Francisco, The Silver State Festival in Reno, and has been the featured caller for state conventions in Kansas, Minnesota, Arkansas, Missouri, Washington, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, and Utah. He has been a staff caller for multiple annual weekends as well, too many to list them all. In November 1991 Jerry became the resident caller at Mesa Spirit in Mesa, Arizona for the winter seasons. There, Jerry and Sharon conduct multiple dance sessions each week including lessons, workshops and dances from beginners through A2. This is Jerry's 28th year in Mesa.
Jerry began teaching callers schools beginning in 1991 and is a CALLERLAB Accredited Coach. He and John Kwaiser began the Heart of America Callers School in Colorado, and Jerry has taught at least one school every year since 1991. He is the owner of the Heart of America School, which is now held each year in Kansas City. Jerry has conducted caller's seminars and workshops throughout the United States and Canada. He has also been on the staff of several other schools around the country. Jerry firmly believes in the teaching of new callers, and the continuing education of experienced callers.
CALLERLAB is the International Organization of Square Dance Callers. Jerry was invited to join CALLERLAB in 1976, when it was an invitation only organization. Since that time, he has been Chairman of the Rural Area Considerations Committee, and the Foundation Committee. While Chairman of the Foundation Committee, Jerry raised over $100,000 for the Foundation.
Jerry was elected to the Board of Governors of CALLERLAB in 1991. He retired from the Board after serving his fourth term. He served six years on the Executive Committee and was Chairman of the Board for two years from 1996 through 1998.
Jerry's philosophy is that, "Square dancing should be FUN!!"