Information to send
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Pick special club dances to be held within the federation to highlight.
Most federations will have one or two clubs hosting "festival" dances or
"special dances in the two months of the issue.
Use guest callers to highlight a dance evening out of the ordinary.
Clubs using only guest callers must realize all dances may not receive publicity.
Be sure to include the town and state for out-of-state callers.
Use caution when reporting past dances.
A special experience may warrant reporting the events of the dance,
numbers attending, new dancers responding, etc.
Be careful not to create a history report as a column.
Not all dances are special and may not be included.
Regular dances may not be "special" and may not be featured.
Use special theme dances to highlight a club
Highlight special exhibition dances, party dances, recruiting efforts, etc..
Share ideas with other dancers throughout the state
Highlight special club efforts for showcasing your dance activities
Anniversaries, birthdays (special), etc.
Recognition of accomplishments
Outside interests-school, service clubs,
Awards from employment, retirements
Club information-special events, new officers, recognitions, etc.
The feature article----
Reader identification
Strong visual support
Remember the six key words-Why?, How?, What?, Who?, When?, Where?
Write the article for the time period the reader will be reading (i.e. avoid writing
about a dance coming on April 23 for presentation in the May/June issue.)
Regular columns
"From the President's Chair"--offers the association president a place to
opinions or observations of dance activities.
"Off the
Record"- an editor's point of view
Federation reports-report of federation and club activities from each of the
federations. Often the editor may extract a special event or dance for featuring on
the federation page or in another area of the newsletter. All clubs have activities that
can be newsworthy. Try to network with someone in all parts of the federation. It is
really great if every club can have a short paragraph or two.
"Caller News"-offers space for the state callers' association to express
opinion or
disseminate news for callers.
"Around the
Association"- a quick review of special club dances which may or may
not have been featured elsewhere. Usually a special caller or special event dance.
Not all dances will be included.
Classifieds"-- offers an opportunity for those involved in the square dance
activity to spread the word about items "for sale", services provided, and a business
directory. This is available for a broad variety of headings. Use your imagination.