Square Dance Nebraska - Ideas

More Terms To Know

This is a basic root call where it is possible to add many other kinds of calls to it. A simple example would be the call (Anything) and Roll. "And Roll" is a root call that can be done after so many other calls that it would be impractical to name them all. A more obscure example would be "Spin". This singular call is not taught but once you know what Spin actually means (ends turn half, new centers turn three quarters) other calls may be added on.

Be aware that there are usually exceptions to any concept. When possible, exceptions will be noted. Many of these exceptions come from the "Grandfather Clause" which means that the call is so old that to change it now would be impossible or unnecessary.

This is the orientation of all dancers at a given moment. It may be at the beginning of a call (Starting Formation), at the end of a call (Ending Formation), or may simply be a reference point within a call to clarify parts of a call (Temporary Formation).

This is often used within the definition of a call and comes from Ladies Chain. Chain means that there is a Centers Trade within the definition of a call. Some calls that use this terms are Spin Chain Thru, Spin Chain the Gears, Diamond Chain Thru. Most often, the term "Thru" means a Cast Off Three Quarters. Some exceptions to note are: Eight Chain Thru, Square Chain Thru and Scoot Chain Thru.

Lead Dancers/Trailing Dancers:
This means that there is a dancer either looking out of the square or facing another dancer (the Lead Dancer) and there is someone behind, facing their back (the Trailing Dancers).

This the term used when using calls exactly as they are written. The only calls that actually define the calls within the terms of "boys/men" and "girls/women" are:

Allemande Left really means "all the men go" Left but the definition does not reflect that and there are times where the men turn right and the ladies turn left.
What often causes the problem of dancers thinking in the terms of "boys part" and "girls part" is that the caller often sets up standard formations from which it is easier to cue using the terms boys and girls rather than; centers and ends, those facing out and those facing in, etc.

What they are and when to listen for them.
Cueing is what a caller may do after he calls a call in order to help dancers complete the call. Quite often it is not the actual definition, only a quick way of helping dancers. If you find the caller using a call that you don't remember, keep talking to a minimum and listen. You may still have to ask for help from other dancers since all calls are not necessarily cued. If you are trying to help another dancer try to use those cue words. Another dancer can respond faster to "Circulate, Quarter In" than "Go over there and look at Joe."

Do be careful when listening to cues though. Many a good dancer has completed the call and then tuned in to the cue words and executed them as another call! Sometimes the caller may be helping another square which may be slower than yours.

More on Formations.
There are 53 formations allowed at the Mainstream Program which include the use of T-Bone, Diamond, Hourglass and Galaxy. At Mainstream a caller cannot use even basic calls of T-Bone Circulate, Diamond Circulate, Hourglass Circulate or Galaxy Circulate. He is wise if he doesn't even name the formation (though it is legal) as there is sure to be dancers who will raise a fit. He is allowed to put you in those formations and directionally call you through them.

The same applies for Advanced. Formations allowed are: Tandem, Siamese, Interlocking Blocks, X/Butterfly, Phantom, Magic Columns, "O", Offset Blocks, Interlocking Diamonds, Parallelogram, and Triple Box.