Square Dance Nebraska - Ideas

Promoting Your Own Dances

Card of Invitation
A slightly, larger than normal, business card becomes a personal invitation to attend a club dance. All the pertinent information as to where, when, who and what is neatly and attractively printed, including a name and telephone number where additional information can be obtained. At the bottom of the card is a line "Presented by" followed by a blank space so that the club member handling out the card to a square dance friend can sign his name. This personalizes the invitation. The compact size permits members to carry them in quantity and to have them readily available as they desire.

Mini Flyers
Get more advertising for your buck by making up mini flyers.
'Nuf sed.


We all like to "think" our upcoming dance is special simply because we have hired a different caller or because we don't have very many special dances so just the fact we are having one it is special. Still, we need to convince our guests that they really shouldn't miss this evening. While a special caller may be enough to entice the dancers to your dance, sometimes you need a bit more encouraging. Here's a few things to consider but don't hesitate to come up with your own ideas.

THEME: If you decide to have a theme night then do it up right. Decorations, appropriate refreshments, even dress the part. It's pretty disappointing to a visitor if you declare a theme night and it looks like "any other dance" upon their arrival.

FOOD: You can highlight just the food. This is good for those dances where the members enjoy bringing lots of food. Don't forget to decorate up the table appropriately. If you are having a Soda Fountain Night then any 50's memoribilia around the table adds to eye appeal.

DOOR PRIZE: If you choose to use a special door prize as a way to advertise you dance then make sure it's special. If you would be anxious to win it then it probably qualifies as special.

SPECIAL COLOR NIGHT: It can be as simple as "Blue Night" and give dancers a small discount for coming dressed in the appropriate color. Of course, you may want to stipulate that it should be a blue shirt, pants, dress, petticoat, hair, whatever. You don't want to be caught at the door with a dancer who thinks it's cute that you should check out their underwear!

There are many ways to plan a dance. The way you highlight your dance doesn't need to be expensive or labor-intensive unless you want it to be. (Sometimes an all-out party is just plain fun.) It just needs to be carefully preplanned and then follow through with that plan.