Square Dance Nebraska - Ideas

Ten Commandments of Square Dancing

1 Thou shalt Square Dance only for the fun which thee will find in it.

2 Thou shalt not be a snob, considering thyself too good to dance with any and all, sitting out the mixers, or leaving a square lest though be required to dance with those whom thou deemest unworthy of thy talents, for the Gods of Retribution are zealous Gods, and will visit their mischief upon thee, and thou wilt be the one to goof the square.

3 Thou shalt be exuberant, thou shalt act thy age. Thou shalt not offend others by thy high flung legs and out-flared skirts.

4 Thou shalt go abroad and dance with other callers so that thy opinions expressed as to the merit of this one and that one are bases on fact.

5 Thou shalt not let the stranger in thy midst sit on the sidelines and cool his heels, nor fail to speak to him.

6 Thou shalt bathe diligently that the sweet aroma of soap and shaving lotion may assail the nostrils of thy associates.

7 Thou shalt take care that the words of thy mouth are not scented with garlic or beer.

8 Thou shalt honor thy club and give thy loyalty, for if thou canst not do this, it were better to separate thyself from it and join thyself to another whose methods, members and callers are more to thy liking.

9 Thou shalt not kill thy club with bickering and fault finding.

10 Thou shall not forget that thou were once a beginner.